《教堂的老鼠:类比词百分百》求取 ⇩

As alike as two peas1

As ancient as the sun2

As angry as a wasp3

As awkward as a cow on ice4

As bald as an egg5

As beautiful as the sunset6

As big as a whale7

As bitter as gall8

As black as coal/pitch/ink/night9

As blind as a bat10

As bold as brass11

As brown as a berry12

As busy as a bee13

As certain as the rising of the sun14

As cheap as dirt15

As cheerful as a lark16

As clear as daylight(crystal)17

As cold as ice18

As cool as a cucumber19

As crafty as a fox20

As crazy as a coot21

As crooked as a corkscrew22

As cruel as winter23

As cute as a button24

As dead as a door nail25

As deaf as a post26

As dirty as a hog27

As docile as a lamb28

As drunk as a top29

As dry as a bone30

As eager as a bridegroom31

As easy as ABC32

As faithful as a dog33

As fast as lightning34

As fat as a pig35

As fit as a fiddle36

As flat as a pancake37

As free as the air38

As fresh as a daisy39

As friendly as a puppy40

As gentle as a lamb41

As good as gold42

As graceful as a swan43

As green as grass44

As happy as a king45

As hard as nails46

As heavy as lead48

As hungry as a wolf49

As industrious as an ant50

As inevitable as death51

As innocent as a newborn babe52

As keen as mustard53

As large as life54

As lasting as the pyramids55

As lazy as a toad56

As light as a feather57

As loud as thunder58

As mad as a hatter59

As mean as a miser61

As meek as a dove62

As neat as a pin64

As obstinate as a mule65

As old as the hills67

As pale as a ghost68

As patient as Job70

As poor as a church mouse71

As pretty as a picture73

As proud as a peacock75

As quick as a whip76

As quiet as a mouse78

As red as blood80

As restless as the sea82

As rich as Croesus84

As right as rain86

As round as a ball87

As scarce as hen's teeth89

As sharp as a needle90

As sick as a dog91

As silly as a goose92

As slippery as an eel94

As slow as a snail95

As smooth as butter96

As sober as a judge97

As soft as wool99

As solid as a rock101

As spineless as a jellyfish103

As stealthy as a cat105

As stiff as a poker107

As straight as an arrow109

As strong as a lion111

As stubborn as a mule112

As sweet as honey113

As tall as a giant114

As thin as a rake115

As thirsty as a sponge117

As timid as a mouse118

As tough as leather120

As warm as toast121

As weak as a baby122

As white as a sheet123



1989《教堂的老鼠:类比词百分百》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由JANE MONRO GRACE PU编著;朴慧芳主编 1989 高谈文化事业有限公司 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。