《伊索寓言》求取 ⇩



1.The Fox and the Grapes(狐狸和葡萄)2

2.The Cat and the Mice(猫和鼠)4

3.The Dog and his Shadow(狗和它的影子)6

4.The Two Dogs(两只狗)8

5.The Sun and the North Wind(太阳和北风)10

6.The Eagle and the Fox(老鹰和狐狸)12

7.The Wolf and the Lamb(狼和小羊)14

8.The Country Mouse and the City Mouse(乡下老鼠和城里老鼠)16

9.The Dog in the Manger(牛槽里的狗)——占着毛坑不拉屎的人18

10.The Lark and Her Young Ones(云雀和它的幼雏)20

11.The Old Cat and Her Master(老猫和它的主人)22

12.The Bear and the Travelers(熊和旅游者)24

13.The Wolf and the Crane(狼和鹤)26

14.The Crow and the Pitcher(乌鸦和大水罐)28

15.The Foolish Shepherd Boy(愚蠢的牧羊少年)30

16.The Two Men and Their Donkey(父子俩和他们的驴)32

17.The Cat and the Cock(猫和雄鸡)34

18.Hermes and the woodcutter(Hermes和伐木人)36

19.The Bat and the Weasels(蝙蝠和黄鼠狼)38

20.The Boys and the Frogs(少年和青蛙)40

21.The Ass in the Lion's Skin(披上狮子皮的驴)42

22.The Owl and the Eagle's Daughter(猫头鹰和鹰小姐)44


1999《伊索寓言》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由邹元植,刘巧萌中文编译;荻原恭平原主编;荻原敬一原编著 1999 长春:东北师范大学出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。