《biotherapy of malignant tumours P315》求取 ⇩



PART Ⅰ:The action of various bacterial products on malignant tumours,experi-mentally and clinically5

1.The present position in the treatment of malignant tumours by Coley's method5

2.A polysaccharide from B.prodigiosus(Serratia marcescens)and the products of certain other gram-negative bacteria9

3.Diphtheria toxin12

4.Lysates and filtrates of certain other bacteria14

5.The effects of bacterial preparation 221 on transplantable and spon-taneous mouse tumours15

6.The influence of bacteriophage on malignant tumours16

7.The influence of viruses on malignant tumours17

8.Filtrates of fungal cultures and the products of yeast cells21

9.The effects on malignant tumours of antibiotics produced by the phar-maceutical industry23

10.A cancer antibiotic from Trypanosoma cruzi31

PART Ⅱ:Protozoan stimulators and inhibitors in relation to antibiotics of protozoan origin37

PART Ⅲ:Infection and cancer in relation to cancer antibiotics42

PART Ⅳ:Regression of human malignant tumours and the principles of the action of the Trypanosome substance55

1.Regression of cancer of the lip56

2.Regression of cancer of the vocal cord84

3.Regression of mammary cancer87

4.Regression of neoplasms of the gastro-intestinal tract112

5.Regression of angiosarcoma of the skin117

6.Regression of precancerous affections121

7.Temporary regression and the problem of refractoriness132

8.Defects in observation149


10.The work of French investigators in the biotherapy of malignant tumours in man with the aid of an extract from Schlzotrypanum cruzi169

PART Ⅴ:Histological and cytological changes in malignant tumours treated with the Trypanosome preparation180

1.Observations on clinical material181

A.Cytological analysis of tumours in patients in whom a positive effect of treatment was not established clinically or was not sufficiently well shown182

B.Histological and cytological analysis of tumours removed atvarious stages of a positive biotherapeutic effect196

2.Observations on tumours of laboratory animals217

A.The influence of Trypanosome infection and the Trypano-some preparation on the Brown-Pearce carcinoma217

B.Histological and cytological changes in the Brown-Pearce tumour under the influence of the Trypanosome preparation218

3.The effects of the Trypanosome preparation in combination with nonradical operation224

4.The effects of the Trypanosome preparation on spontaneous tumours of white mice226

5.Histological and cytological changes in spontaneous tumours of mice under the influence of treatment with the Trypanosome preparation233

PART Ⅵ:The mode of action of the antiblastic preparation from T.cruzi on cancer246

1.Cytological and histological analysis of the mode of action of the Trypanosome preparation246

A.Changes in nuclear size246

B.Changes in the mitotic index247

C.The effects of biopsy on cell multiplication in malignant tumours248

D.Nucleolar changes250

E.The lymphocytic and histiocytic reaction250

F.Changes in ribonucleic acid content253

G.Reactive changes in the connective tissue254

H.The general principles of the cytological and histological changes occurring under the influence of the Trypanosome preparation257

2.The influence of the Trypanosome preparation on the respiration of cancer tissue(Prof.A.M.Kuzin's findings)260

3.The distribution of the Trypanosome preparation in the normal and in the cancer-affected body265

4.The effects of T.cruzi and the Trypanosome preparation on malignant tissue in the conditions of tissue culture267

A.The effects of T.cruzi on cultures of malignant tissue267

B.The effects of the Trypanosome preparation on the Crocker sarcoma in vitro269

5.The specificity of the antiblastic properties of T.cruzi271

6.A comparison of the histological and cytological changes arising in malignant tissues under the influence of synoestrol,colchicine,B.prodigiosus polysaccharide,sarcomycin,and the cancer antibiotic from T.cruzi277


PART Ⅶ:Aggressiveness and fragility in cancer cells289


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