Part I The American System1

1. The Constitutional Framework3

1.1 The United States Constitution, A Model in Nation Building8

1.2 Federalist No. 1017

1.3 Strict Scrutiny, Constitutional Boo-Boos23

1.4 The Constitution: Thirteen Crucial Questions31

2. What Kind of People? 39

2.1 National Characteristics as Moulding Public Opinion43

2.2 Our Friendly Neighborhood Superpower48

2.3 New Americans for a New America51

3. Federalism: National, State, and Local Government55

3.1 McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)61

3.2 A New Look at Federalism: The Theory and Implications of"Dual Sovereignty"70

3.3 After New Federalism, What?76

3.4 Point-Counterpoint: Federal Action and the Minimum Drinking Age84

Part II. The Political Process86

4. Political Parties89

4.1 Can the System Be Saved? Saved? The Short Happy Life of American Political Parties95

4.2 Point-Counterpoint: The Democratic Party's Presidential Nominating Reforms105

4.3 Colorado's High-Tech Republicans108

4.4 Party Time, Realignment114

5. Political Interest Groups119

5.1 The Mischiefs of Faction Revisited128

5.2 The Veterans' Lobby as an "Iron Triangle"128

5.3 Cltizen vs Industry Lobbying on Radio-TV Advertising135

5.4 Robert Gray-Capital's King of Clout139

6. Communcations Media and Politics145

6.1 Miami Herald Publishing Company v. Tornillo (1974)151

6.2 Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. Federal Communications (1969)154

6.3 The Media in Campaign '84: Wingless, Toothless, and Hopeless156

6.4 A Guide to Leaks in Government164

7. Campaigns and Elections171

7.1 Davis et al, v Bandemer et al. (1986)177

7.2 Armies, Admen and Crusaders: A Short History of Presidential Elections188

7.8 The Fuller Brush Approach to Campaigns189

7.4 TV Campaigns May Cancel Themselves Out in Key Races192

7.5 How the Realtors' PAC Rewards Office Seekers195

7.6 Point-Counterpoint: The Cost of Election Campaigns190

Part IIIThe Institutions of Government205

8. Congress207

8.1 Federalist No. 51211

8.2 Minority Rights in the Senate215

8.8 On the Run with Richard Gephardt--A Day in the Life of a House Member219

8.4 How a Member Decides227

8.5 A Less-Than-Immortal Speech on a Less-Than-Earthshaking Subject250

8.6 In Defense of a Messy Congress235

8.7 Media and Power Shifts Dominate O'Neill's House246

9. The Presidency261

9.1 Federalist No. 70265

9.2 The Only National Voice in Affairs268

9.3 Age of the Personal Presidency271

9.4 The Presidency in the American Political System275

9.5 When the Band Stopped Playing for Ronald Reagan279

10. The Bureaucracy285

10.1 The Myth of the Runaway Bureaucracy: The Case of the FTC290

10.2 Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha (1988)294

10.3 Anatomy of an Agency that Failed301

10.4 The New Shape of the Civil Service305

11. The Federal Courts313

11.1 The Judiciary: The Origins of Judicial Review818

11.2 Federalist No. 78824

11.8 Marbury v. Madison (1808)330

11.4 Point-Counterpoint: Intentions of the Framers335

11.5 Judging Judges: The Senate's Role in Judicial Appointments351

11.6 The Work of the Supreme Court: A Nuts and Bolts Description360

Part IVPublic Policy367

12. Civil Rights and Individual Liberties369

12.1 Citizen's Guide to Individual Rightsunder the Constitution372

12.2 The Evolution of Our Civil Liberties382

12.3 Point-Counterpoint: Affirmative Action888

12.4 Wygant et al. v. Jackson Board of Education (1986)402

12.5 An Interview with Bayard Rustin407

13. Domestic Policy415

13.1 Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration410

13.2 On Myth, Gridlock and Gramm-Rudman-Hollings428

13.3 Senators Debate National Priorities433

13.4 The Appropriators: Supplemental Bill a Virtual Picnic488

13.5 Reagan's Record: Recent Budget Battles Leave the Basic Tenets of the Welfare State Intact442

13.6 What We Lose When the Rich Go on the Dole450

13.7 Despite 20 Years of Federal Aid, Poverty StillReigns in Appalachia454

14. Foreign and Defense Policies461

14.1 The Diplomacy Business: Expert Eyes Keep Watch on the Turks467

14.2 South Africa: Grass-Roots Pleas Stir Lawmakers471

14.3 Congress, the Executive, and Foreign Policy476

14.4 The Constitution and the War Making Power482

14.5 What's Wrong with the Defense Department?486

15. Into the Twenty-first Century493

15.1 Critical Issues Facing America496

15.2 The Political System Cannot Cope with Today's Diversity502

15.3 Point-Counterpoint: Constitutional Reform506

Further Study of Government and Polities511

Suggested Readings515

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