《Selected Papers on Planned Parenthood Volume 20 Genetic Effects of The Steroid Hormonal Contraceptiv》求取 ⇩


Cytological Effects of the Oral Contraceptive11

Are Hormonal Contraceptives Teratogenic?25

In Vitro & In Vivo Cytogenetic Effects of Oral Contraceptives32

Effect of Selected Estrogens and Progestins on Human Chromosomes In Vitro33

Chromosomes and an Oral Contraceptive (Lyndiol 2.5)36

A Study of the Effects of Certain Hormones on Human Cells in Culture39

Cytogenetic Studies on Women Using Oral Contraceptives and Their Progeny42

Oral Contraceptives and In vivo Cytogenetic Studies49

Cytogenetic Evaluation of Patients in Relation to the Use of Oral Contraception52

A Cytogenetic Study in Women Who Had Used Oral Contraceptives and in Their Progeny66

Chromosome Breakage Studies in Lymphocytes from Normal Women,Pregnant Women,and Women Taking Oral Contraceptives78

Comparison of Chromosome Breakages in Lymphocytes and Fibrolasts from Control Women and Women Taking Oral Contraceptives83

Sister-Chromatid Exchanges in Oral Contraceptive Users88

Zytogenetische Untersuchungen von Frauen Wahrend und nach der Einnahme hormonaler Kontrazeptiva92

Oral Contraceptives & Embryo Development100

Conception Control and Embryonic Development101

The Influence of Recent Use of an Oral Contraceptive on Early Intrauterine Development105

Oral Contraceptives & Spontaneous Abortion110

The Significance of Oral Contraceptives in Causing Chromosome Anomalies in Spontaneous Abortions111

Maternal Factors Associated with Fetal Chromosomal Anomalies in Spontaneous Abortions115

Oral Contraceptives & Pregnancy Outcomes122

Pregnancy Following Oral Contraceptive Therapy123

Chromosome Studies in Selected Spontaneous Abortions:I.Conception after Oral Contraceptives128

Pregnancy Outcome Following Oral Contraceptives134

The Outcome of Pregnancy in Former Oral Contraceptive Users139

Oral Contraceptives & Chromosome Aberrations of the Fetus148

Chromosomal Anomalies in Spontaneously Aborted Human Fetuses149

Chromosomal Satellite Association in Women Using Oral Contraceptives & Their Progeny151

Contraceptives and the Conceptus,Ⅰ.Chromosome Abnormalities of the Fetus and Neonate Related to Maternal Contraceptive History155

Postcoital Contraception:How Effective and What Fetal Risk,If Ineffective?164

Oral Contraceptives & Sex Ratio among Subsequent Progeny166

Pre-Pregnancy Oral Contraception and Sex Ratio among Subsequent Progeny167

Gender of Offspring after Oral-Contraceptive Use169

Oral Contraceptives & Syndrome Congenital Defects172

Effects of Oral Contraceptives on the Fetus173

46 XY Female:Anti-androgenic Effect of Oral Contraceptive?175

Birth Defects and Oral Contraceptives177

Birth Defects and Oral Contraceptives179

Prepregnancy Oral Conrtaceptives and Respiratory-Distress Syndrome180

Twinning and Oral Contraceptives183

Oral Contraception and Twinning:An Epidemiologic Study184

Effect of Oral Contraceptive Pills on the Level of Creatine Phosphokinase with Regard to Carrier Detection in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy187

Oral Contraceptive and Congenital Limb Defects192

Down's Syndrome and Oral Contraceptive Usage193

Fetal Loss,Twinning and Birth Weight after Oral-Contraceptive Use197

Genetic Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Experimental Animals201

Oral Contraceptives & Chromosome Segregation in Oocytes of Mice203

Studies on the mutagenic Effect of Contraceptive Drugs,Ⅰ.Induction of Dominant Lethal Mutation in Female Mice213

Oral Contraceptive Compounds & Mammalian Oocyte Meiosis219

In Vivo BUdR Labeling of Mammalian Chromosomes236

Studies in Mice on the Mutagenicity of Two Cntraceptive Drugs240

In Vivo Method for Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Chinese Hamster Foetal and Bone Marrow Cells244

Some Experimental Methods248

A Rapid in Vivo Test for Chromosomal Damage249

New Giemsa Method for the Differential Staining of Sister Chromatids253

Sister Chromatid Exchanges-A Sensitive Assay of Agents Damaging Human Chromosomes256

Cytological Detection of Mutagen-Carcinogen Exposure by Sister Chromatid Exchange261

Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes for the Analysis of Chromosome Aberrations in Mutagen Tests266

Bromodeoxyuridine-Induced Sister Chromatid Exchanges in Human Lymphocytes280

Phytohemagglutin-Induced Lymphocyte Trasformation in Oral Contraceptive Users291

A Simplified Technique for in Vivo Analysis of Sister-Chromatid Exchanges Using 5-Bromodeoxyuridine Tablets300

The Rate of Sister Chromatid Exchang in Normal Human Bone Marrow Cells307

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