1General Principles1

1.1 Some Microwave Tubes4

1.2 General Properties of Microwave Tubes10

2Electron Beams16

2.1 Electron Emission:Emission-limited Diodes17

2.2 Space-charge-limited Diodes19

2.3 Design of Electron Guns30

2.4 Space-charge Spreading37

2.5 Beam Focusing42

2.6 Scaling52

2.7 Additional Considerations55

3Basic Concepts of Interaction between Electrons and Fields58

3.1 Elementary Theory of Velocity Modulation59

3.2 General Current Equations62

3.3 Transfer of Energy66

3.4 Induced Currents68

3.5 Total Current70

3.6 Electron Motion in a High-velocity Gap72

4Space-charge Waves81

4.1 Space-charge Waves:Particle Equations84

4.2 General Equation of Space-charge Waves90

4.3 Solutions of the Space-charge-wave Equation96

4.4 Double-beam case103

4.5 Space-charge Waves with Transverse Motion112

5Llewellyn Diode Equations120

5.1 Introduction120

5.2 Equation of Motion122

5.3 D-C Solution125

5.4 R-F Solution127

5.5 Space-charge Factor132

5.6 Diode Equations134

5.7 Multielement Tubes;Other Applications139

6Traveling Waves141

6.1 Interaction of Traveling Waves with the Electron Beam142

6.2 Transmission Line Theory Approach144

6.3 Gain Parameter C154

6.4 Coupling Impedance157

6.5 Space-charge Effects158

6.6 Normal-mode Expansion163

6.7 Generalization of the Normal-mode Expansion173

7Backward-wave Interactions178

7.1 Qualitative Description178

7.2 Oscillation Conditions181

8Electron Motion in Two-dimensional Systems189

8.1 Motion through a Nonplanar Gap190

8.2 Calculation of Velocity Modulation192

9Coupled-mode Analysis205

9.1 Small-signal Kinetic-power Theorem for Longitudinal Electron Beams207

9.2 Kinetic Power in Space-charge Waves213

9.3 Application of the Power-flow Theorem to the Properties of Amplifiers214

9.4 Coupled-mode Equations216

9.5Application of Coupled-mode Theory222

9.6 Application of Coupled-mode Theory to the Traveling-wave Tube227

9.7 Other Applications of the Coupled-mode Approach228

10Crossed-field Interactions230

10.1 General Considerations230

10.2 Motion of an Individual Electron in Static Crossed Fields232

10.3 Effects of Space Charge on D-C Motion236

10.4 Crossed-field Amplification241

10.5 Traveling-wave Interaction When Space Charge Is Negligible244

10.6 Interactions with Space-charge Fields Considered269

Appendix 1Lagrangian and Eulerian Hydrodynamics283

Appendix 2Induced Currents—General Configuration286


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