Ⅰ. Introduction to Law and Economics1

The Conventional Wisdom of Neoclassical Economics2

Welfare Economics4

Values, Law and Economics9

Ⅱ. Law and Economics--A Descriptive Model13

The Descriptive Model: Institutions and Legal Relations15

The Economic Impact Stage of Choice: The Interface Between Law and Economics22

The Market Sector22

Public Sector29

Communal Sector30

The Complex Legal-Economic Arena31

The Necessity of Choice35

Ⅲ. The Problem of Externalities43

A Formal Presentation of the Market Sector44

Market Failure47

Traditional Solutions to the Problem of Externalities53

Law and Economics and the Problem of Externality56

Ⅳ. The Economic Compensation Principle: Liability Rules and the Taking Issue69

The Compensation Principle in Economics70

Tort Law and Liability Rules76

The Role of Liability Rules in Law and Economics82

Liability Rules87

Specific Liability Rules92

The Taking Issue99

The Taking Issue: The Legal Setting100

Justice Holmes, the Taking Issue and Legal Rules103

Ⅴ. Economics and the Law117

The New Law and Economics117

Efficiency and the Common Law119

Wealth Maximization123

Criticisms of Wealth Maximization130

Public Choice Theory137

Public Choice Theory--An Overview138

Contractarian Approach to Public Choice Theory146

Ⅵ. Summary165


Author Index177

Subject Index181

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