《Justice and mercy in piers plowman:a reading of the B text visio》求取 ⇩

CHAPTER ONE:Justice, Mercy and Law Piers Plowman and its Context: Contemporary Concepts of Justice and Law1

Ⅰ: Justice1

Ⅱ: Law31

CHAPTER TWO:Regnum, Sacerdotium, Justice and Mercy55

Ⅰ: The Prologue55

Ⅱ: Passus Ⅰ79

CHAPTER THREE: Mede and MercyⅠ:Passus Ⅱ99

Ⅱ: Passus Ⅲ113

CHAPTER FOUR:Reason, Repentance, and Mercy137

Ⅰ: Passus Ⅳ137

Ⅱ: Passus Ⅴ156

CHAPTER FIVE:Labour and Pardon191

Ⅰ: Passus Ⅵ191

Ⅱ: Passus Ⅶ213

EPILOGUE:The Vita Ex Vi Transitionis: The Passover from the old to the New Law256



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