《A Practical English Grammar Second Edition》求取 ⇩

1Articles 1-51

2Nouns 6-117

3Adjectives 12-1912

4Adjectives and pronouns 20-3016

5Interrogatives 31-621

6Possessive Adjectives,Personal and Other Pronouns 37-4825

7Relative Pronouns 49-6231

8Adverbs 63-7638

9Prepositions 77-9046

10Conjunctions 91-553

11Introduction to Verbs 96-10857

12The Auxiliaries'Be'and 'Have'109-2064

13The Auxiliaries'Do','May',and'Can'121-3373

14'Must','Have to',and'Need'134-5382

15The Auxiliaries'Ought','Dare',and'Used'154-989

16The Present Tenses 160-7193

17The Past and Perfect Tenses 172-92100

18The Future 193-210118

19Sequence of tenses 211-12129

20The Conditional 213-23130

21Other Uses of'Will','Would','Shall',and'Should'224-36138

22The Infinitive 237-52147

23The Gerund 253-62158

24The Participles 263-7166

25The Imperative 268-9170

26The Subjunctive 270-2171

27The Passive Voice 273-5174

28Reported Speech 276-87178

29Clauses of Purpose,Comparison,Reason,Time,Result,and Concession 288-95194

30List of Irregular Verbs 296201

31Verbs+Prepositions/Adverbs 297-9206

32Numerals,Dates,and Weights and Measures 300-5251

33Spelling Rules 306-11255


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