《Current Trends in Linguistics Volume 13 Historiography of Linguistics 1》求取 ⇩


India&by Rosan Rocher3

Classical Antiquity:Greece&by Jan Pinborg69

Classical Antiquity:Rome&by Luigi Romeo127

The Middle Ages&by G.L.Bursill-Hall179

The Grammatical Tradition and the Rise of the Vernaculars&by W.Keith Percival231

The Seventeenth Century&by Herbert E.Brekle277

The Eighteenth Century,Including Leibniz&by Hans Aarsleff383

Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachphilosophie im Zeitaliter der Romantik,von Helmut Gipper und Peter Schmitter481

Language Classification in the Nineteenth Century&by A.Morpurgo-Davies607

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