《最新高级英文选自学手册 第6册》求取 ⇩


Lessons Page1

1.Computers 电子计算机1

2.Four Choices for Young People 年轻人的四种选择10

3.Fuels of the Future 未来的燃料23

4.Turning Failure into Success 转败为胜33

5.The Cost of Education 教育费用46

6.Turning off T.V.: a Quiet Hour 关掉电视:一个安静的时刻53

7.Benjamin Franklin 班杰明·富阑克林61

8.Reflections on the Apollo Eight Mission 对阿波罗八号任务的感想72

9.The Earth's Hidden Power Comes to the Surface 地球隐藏的力量来到地面(火山爆发)80

10.Using the Mind Against Disease 用意志对抗疾病89

11.Urban Renewal or Suburban Sprawl 城市更新还是市郊扩展97

12.How to Eat Right and Live Longer 吃得适当活得长久105

13.Going Home 回家115

14.A Chance in a Million 百万分之一的机会126

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