《英和兵语辞典》求取 ⇩

Appendixes 附录1

1.The Imperial Precepts to the Soldiers and Sailors (英译军人勅谕)1

2.The London Naval Treaty of 1930 and its Japanese Translation(一九三○年伦敦海军条约丿原文及译文)10

3.General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy and its Japanese translation(不战条约丿原文及译文)60

4.List of Army, Navy and Air Force Relative, Ranks(陆海军阶级一览表)60

5.Japanese Military Units Nomenclature(陆军团队丿名称)67

6.List of Japanese War Office Bureau and Sections(日本陆军省局课丿名称)68

7.List of Japanese Army Troops and Army Offices(日本丿军队及陆军官衙)69

8.List of Japanese Army Schools(日本陆军诸学校)70

9.List of British Decorations and Medals(英国勋章及记章)71

10.List of American Decorations and Medals(米国勋章及记章)74

11.List of American Army Schools(米国陆军诸学校)74

12.Tables of Weights and Measures(度量衡一览表)76

13.The Points of the Compass(方位)84

14.Last Showing Cabinet ministers and Government Department of Japan, America and Great Britain(日英米三国丿各省及大臣)84

15.The Names of Places in China(中华民国主要地名)85

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