《西藏文明研究》求取 ⇩

Part One:The Tibetan Language3

Roland Bielmeier A Survey of the Development of Western and Southwestern Tibetan Dialects3

Zhang Liansheng The Phonetic Structure of ABCB Type Words in Modern Lhasa Tibetan20

Part Two:Fine Arts,Literature,and Oral Traditions37

Mireille Helffer A Typology of the Tibetan Bell37

Ricardo O.Canzio Aspects of Ceremonial Behavior in Bon-po Monastic Life42

Marceline de Montmollin The Bhutanese Collection in Neuchatel54

Anne Chayet The Jehol Temples and their Tibetan Models65

Braham Norwick The First Tsha-tsha Published in Europe73

Wang Yao Tibetan Operatic Themes86

Nawang Tsering Shakspo Ladakhi Folk Songs97

Chime Wongmo Rituals of Bhutanese House Construction107

Barbara Nimri Aziz On Translating Oral Traditions: Ceremonial Wedding Poetry from Dingri115

Part Three:Historical Studies135

Tsuguhito Takeuchi A Passage from the Shih chi in the Old Tibetan Chronicle135

Helga Uebach An 8th Century List of Thousand-Districts in Ne u Pandita s History147

Lozang Jamspal The Three Provinces of Mna -ris: Traditional Accounts of Ancient Western Tibet152

Nawang Tsering A Survey of the Spread of Buddhadharma in Ladakh157

Janos Szerb Glosses on the Oeuvre of Bla-ma Phags-pa:Ⅲ.ThePatron-Patronized Relationship165

Turrell V. Wylie Biographical Notes on Phyag-na rdo-rje(1239-1267) (abstract)174

Dawa Norbu An Analysis of Sino-Tibetan Relationships, 1245-1911:Imperial Power, Non-coercive Regime176

Tashi Tsering Nag-ron mgon-po rnam-rgyal: A 19th Century khams-pa Warrior196

Michael C. Van Walt Whose Game? Records of the India Office Concerning Events Leading up to the Siml215

Part Four:Religious Life and Thought233

Ugen Gombo Belief in Karma and its Social Ramifications in Samsara233

Martin Brauen-Dolma Millenarianism in Tibetan Religion245

A.?y Heller An Early Tibetan Ritual:Rkyal bud257

Jampa L.Panglung On the Origin of the Tsha-gsur Ceremony268

Samten G.Karmay The Rdzogs-chen in its Earliest Text: A Manuscript from Tun-huang272

Eva K.Dargyay A Rnin-ma Text:The Kun byed rgyal po i mdo283

Alex Wayman The Tibetan Translation of the Manjusri-nama-samgiti(abstract)294

Judith Hanson and Mervin V. Hanson The Mediating Buddha296

Janice D.Willis On the Nature of Rnam-thar: Early Dge-lugs-pa Siddha Biographies304

Janet Gyatso The Development of the Gcod Tradition320

David Ross Komito Insight and Liberation in Nagarjuna s Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness342

Matthew Kapstein Religious Syncretism in13th century Tibet:The Limitless Ocean Cycle358

Robert A.F.Thurman Tson-kha-pa s Integration of Sutra and Tantra372

Geoffrey Samuel Early Buddhism in Tibet: Some Anthropological Perspectives383



印度-西藏文化研究  4-1  藏文(1941 PDF版)
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1941 中国科学院民族研究所
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西藏研究论集(1989 PDF版)
西藏研究论文集  第3辑(1990 PDF版)
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1990 西藏研究委员会
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1989 拉萨:西藏人民出版社
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西藏研究论文集  第4辑(1993 PDF版)
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1989 拉萨:西藏藏文古籍出版社
印度-西藏文化研究  4-3  藏文(1941 PDF版)
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1941 中国科学院民族研究所
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印度-西藏文化研究  3-2  藏文(1936 PDF版)
印度-西藏文化研究 3-2 藏文
1936 中国科学院民族研究所