《声场声信息国家重点实验室年报 第3卷》求取 ⇩

海洋气候声学测温计划 汪德昭、张仁和1

Steady-state sound field in enclosures Maa Dayou5

室内有源噪声控制的潜力 马大猷15

水下声道中脉冲传播的WKBZ简正波方法 何怡、张仁和、朱业23

Sound spatial correlations in shallow water Wang Qin and Zhang Renhe31

Reverberation loss in shallow water Zhang Renhe Li Wenhua Qiu Xinfang and Jing Guoliang45

The WKBZ mode approach to pulsed propagation in ocean channels He Yi Zhang Renhe and Zhu Ye61

A cylindrical resonator method for the investigation of low-frequency sound absorption in sea water Qiu Xinfang69

Effects of sea ice cover on acoustic ray travel times,with applications to the Greenland Sea tomography experiment Jin Guoliang85

反射式超声CT中物体参数的最大似然估计 王晓拢、兰丛庆109

Visualization of the sound scattering by a cylingder Wu Zhihao Zhou Gengxiang and Feng Shaosong117

The Fourier slice theorem for ultrasonic reflectivity tomography and the correction to the effect caused by curvature of integral lines Lan Congqing and Cheng Yanhua127

Sound Attenuation in a coarse granular Medium D.Wu Qian Zuwen and Shao Daoyuan139

Sound Propagation and Inversion in Bubbly curtains Qian Zuwen Li Baowen Zhang Xiaoyu and Shao Daoyuan145

有界空间的非线性声学——二阶体波的反射和折射(I)P波入射 钱祖文154

非线性声学谐波方程的特解及其在边值问题中的应用 钱祖文163

Complex ray method and its applications to underwater acoustics Ruan Yingzheng168

水声信号处理进展 李启虎176

一种自适应滤波中步长因子调节的算法 陈庚184

An implementation of computing the coefficients of wavelet series transtorm Du Limin and Hou Ziqiang194

快速傅式变换处理器结构 祝裕斌、侯朝焕201

Fast Fourier transform processor architecture Zhu Yubin and Hou Chaohuan208

A Unified pseudospectral method of wave equation modeling Yao Dezhong and Ruan Yingzheng215

自适应滤波技术在水声信号处理中的应用 蔡惠智、李启虎、孙增、孙长瑜222

Optimum block-adaptive learning algorithm for error back-propagation networks Du Limin Hou Ziqiang and Li Qihu229

水下被动测距的后置处理 吴国清251

Nonlinear Analysis of Signals:Information and Complexity Zhang Minand Zhengfan267

声呐信号处理中时域数字多波束成形的新方法 李启虎、孙长俞、孙增、蔡惠智、刘正元、乔均270

用稳健的解卷算法提高超声图像分辨率 祈锦毅、高上凯、刘辉276

慢速地层井孔瞬态声场的数值研究 张海澜、李明轩282

Field of circumferential acoustical longing devices Zhang Hailan289

结构陶瓷材料的超声无损检测 沈建中、蒋福棠297

Influences of ultrasound on hatching of the fish eggs Xie Ruisheng Zhang Zhirong Zhang Dejun Cheng Jianzhong and Xia Xianhua305

层状多孔介质中声反射和透射 乔文孝、王耀俊、吴文丘312

声束在固体中的聚焦及其在声成像中的应用 乔东海、汪承浩、周育英324

超声无损检测中的数字匹配滤波技术 白玉海、裴力伟、萧季驹332

Free field deviation of a pure tong source tested in semi-anechoic room Wang Jiqing and Cai Biao340

Speech synthesis technology Lu shinan and Zhang Jialu345

Fundamental frequency patterns of Chinese in different speech modes Zhang Jialu and Hu Xinghui350

关于居住环境噪声的社会调查(名古屋—北京) 久野和宏、大石弥辛、三品善昭、林显校、郑大瑞、蔡秀兰、陈通357

关于噪声评价用语的研究 郑大瑞、蔡秀兰、陈通等367

Verification of the stability criterion of inverse algorithms for layered sea bottom Lin Junxuan378

1993《声场声信息国家重点实验室年报 第3卷》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由 1993 中国科学院声学研究所 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。