《Introduction to structural mechanics and analysis》求取 ⇩

Chapter 1Analysis of Framed Structures1

1.1 Introduction1

1.2 Force Analysis2

1.3 Principle of Superposition2

1.4 Terminology2

1.5 Stability and Determinacy3

1.6 Practical Application When n = m5

1.7 Statically Determinate Structures6

1.8 Plane Framed Structures7


Chapter 2Trusses15

2.1 Stability and Determinacy16

2.2 Forces of Interaction/Internal Force Resultants17

2.3 Force Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses19

2.4 Method of Joints19

2.5 Method of Sections19

2.6 Conventions and Practice19


Chapter 3Internal Force Resultants37

3.1 Internal and External Force Functions and Diagrams38

3.2 Shear and Bending Moment Functions and Diagrams for Beams39

3.3 Relationships Between Internal and External Loads43

3.4 Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams for Frames47


Chapter 4Moveable Loads/Influence Functions and Lines57

4.1 Influence Functions/Influence Lines58

4.2 Application of Influence Line Concept63

4.3 Generalized Application64

4.4 Floor Girders67

4.5 Bridge Trusses69

4.6 Extreme Effects Due to Fixed Loads of Variable Placement72


Chapter 5Energy Methods (Part 1)93

5.1 Introduction93

5.2 Basic Concepts93

5.3 Virtual Displacement/Virtual Work95

5.4 Contacting Surfaces and Forces96

5.5 Forces97

5.6 Rigid Displacements97

5.7 Small Displacements98

5.8 Rectangular Components99

5.9 Instantaneous Center99

5.10 Principle of Virtual Work100

5.11 Virtual Work of Forces on a Rigid Virtual Displacement100

5.12 Vector Representations and Work Formulations102

5.13 Example Problems103

5.14 Influence Lines108


Chapter 6Displacement-Deformation Analysis of Structures126

6.1 Trusses128

6.2 Beams129

6.3 Moment-Area Theorems130

6.4 Notes for Application of the Moment-Area Theorems134

6.5 Procedures for Application of the M-A Theorems to Deflection Analysis135

6.6 Frames143

6.7 Procedures144

6.8 Combination Approach156


Chapter 7Energy Methods (Part 2)173

7.1 Introduction173

7.2 Displacements by Virtual Work173

7.3 Procedure175

7.4 Evaluation of δWσ175

7.5 Basic Applications178

7.6 Beam179

7.7 Truss180

7.8 Displacements Due to Applied Loads181

7.9 Beams and Frames182

7.10 Trusses187

7.11 Combined Loads191

7.12 Strain Energy and Internal Force-Deformation Relations194

7.13 Conservative Applied Forces195

7.14 Principle of Stationary Potential Energy196

7.15 Principle of Minimum Potential Energy197

7.16 Complementary Strain Energy and Force-Deformation Relations198

7.17 The Special Case of Hooke's Law199

7.18 Betti's Theorem200

7.19 Maxwell's Reciprocal Theorem201

7.20 Castigliano's Theorems203

7.21 Theorem on Deflections204

7.22 Theorem on Deflections Specialized for Hooke's Law206

7.23 The Theorem of Least Work207

7.24 Application of Castigliano's Theorems209


Chapter 8Statically Indeterminate Structures231

8.1 Introduction231

8.2 General Procedure of Analysis233

8.3 Member Rigidity233

8.4 Solution Strategies233

8.5 Force Method234

8.6 Displacement Method and Kinematic Indeterminacy234

8.7 Flexibility and Stiffness: Flexibility Coefficients235

8.8 Stiffness Coefficients237

Chapter 9Force Methods239

9.1 Method of Consistent Deformation239

9.2 Use of Superposition241

9.3 Example Problems241

9.4 Prescribed Displacements257

9.5 The Three-Moment Equation261

9.6 Application Procedure267

9.7 Combined Methods271

9.8 Method of Least Work273


Chapter 10Displacement Methods of Analysis308

10.1 Slope-Deflection Equations310

10.2 Applications314

10.3 Note on the Equations of Equilibrium315

10.4 Restatement of the Slope-Deflection Equations315

10.5 End-Rotations316

10.6 Examples of Beams and Frames with Prescribed Joint Displacements316

10.7 Frames with Sidesway326

10.8 Modified Slope-Deflection Equations330

10.9 Applications330

10.10 Sidesway Problems and Superposition333

10.11 Moment Distribution339

10.12 One Independent Joint Rotation343

10.13 Two Independent Joint Rotations344

10.14 Several Independent Joint Rotations346

10.15 Non-Zero Prescribed Displacements and Moment Distribution354

10.16 Sidesway Analysis and Moment Distribution356

10.17 Equations of Equilibrium by Virtual Work: Matrix Methods359

10.18 Hooke's Law366

10.19 Reactions and Virtual Work369

10.20 Strain Energy of Bending373

10.21 Potential Energy of Prescribed Loads376

10.22 Principle of Stationary Potential Energy: Equations of Equilibrium378

10.23 Matrix Formulations—Summary379

10.24 Application Procedure380


Chapter 11 Influence Lines415


11.2 Muller-Breslau Principle415

11.3 Influence Lines for Deflection417

11.4 Practical Application417


Appendix A424

A.1Supplemental Notes on the Principle of Virtual Work424

Appendix B Sidesway Analysis428

B.1General Formulation and Superposition428

B.2 General Formulation428

B.3 Superposition430




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