《Organisation and promotion of science in the Federal Republic of Germany》求取 ⇩


BScientific Institutions21

Ⅰ.Institutions of Higher Education21

1. Organisation and structure21

2. University expansion23

3. Characteristics and structural problems of university research24

4. Emphases in university research25

5. Polytechnics - Fachhochschulen26

6. Representation of universities, university teachers,and students27

Ⅱ. Scientific Academies and supporting bodies in basic and applied research33

1. Academies of Science33

2. Max Planck Society36

3. Fraunhofer Society37

Ⅲ. National Research Centres38

Ⅳ. Federal and Laender research facilities44

Ⅴ.Private research institutes46

Ⅵ. Libraries, museums, and documentation centres47

1. Scientific libraries47

2. Museums48

3. Documentation centres49

CPromotion of Research and Assistance for Young Scientists50

Ⅰ.Co-operation between Government, science, and industry in the promotion of research50

1. The Federal-Laender Commission for Educational Planning and Promotion of Research50

2. The Science Council53

Ⅱ. The German Research Society and the Foundations55

1. The German Research Society55

2. The Foundations58

3. The Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany60

Ⅲ. Assistance for young scientists61

DResearch and its Application64

Ⅰ. The Federal programmes for research and technology64

Ⅱ. Research and development in industry67

EInternational Co-operation70

Ⅰ. International scientific co-operation at governmental and non-governmental levels70

Ⅱ. Organisations mediating exchanges86

1. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation86

2. The German Academic Exchange Service87

3. The Fulbright Commission90


Ⅰ.Main emphases in university research91

1. Special collaborative programmes at universities91

2. Priority programmes of the German Research Society96

Ⅱ. Bibliography and sources of further information99


1 Staffing in research and development17

2 Staff in research and development at universities(according to faculties)18

3 Staff in non-university scientific institutions,classified according to specialisation19

4 Resources devoted to science and total expenditure on research and development in the Federal Republic of Germany20

5 Universities - wissenschaftliche Hochschulen -in the Federal Republic of Germany29

6 Overview of national research centres42

7 Objectives and emphases in Federal assistance for research and development68

8 German Research Society membership of international scientific organisations73

9 Agreements between the German Research Society and partner organisations abroad77

10 Federal German agreements on scientific and technological co-operation78

11 Federal German membership of international research institutes and advisory bodies85

In the appendix91

1 Special collaborative programmes at universities91

2 Priority programmes of the German Research Society96

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