《upper ordovician faunas of ontario and quebec》求取 ⇩


Upper Ordovician strata and their faunas1

Epicontinental seas1

Terminology of Upper Ordovician strata1

Use of term Upper Ordovician1

Use of term Cincinnatian3

Use of term Queenston4

Use of term Lorraine5

Use of terms Hudson River and Lorraine in Canadian geology6

Terminology of Upper Ordovician formations on Manitoulin island and in Georgian bay7

Terminology of Upper Ordovician formations in Ottawa basin and in the province of Quebec9

Sources and migrations of various Upper Ordovician epicontinental faunas11

Faunas of southern or Atlantic origin11

Precambrian shield13

Eden and Maysville outcrops absent in the Precambrian shield13

Arctic invasions during Mohawk and Richmond times13

Mohawkian outcrops on the Precambrian shield14

Ozarkian and Canadian Arctic seas17

Polar and Greenland deep seas18

Southwestward extension of Arctic faunas probably of Richmond age21

Richmond outcrops on the Precambrian shield22

Great antiquity of Gulf of Mexico and Hudson Bay embayments24

Derivation of the southern and northern Richmond faunas24

Great age of Atlantic embayments25

Relationship of the Richmond of Anticosti to that of Manitoba26

Lithological characteristics of the Upper Ordovician strata28

Eden and Maysville in southern Ontario28

Oswego sandstone as a subaerial delta deposit.29

Arenaceous horizons in Eden and Maysville of Ohio and Kentucky30

Source of sediments forming the Queenston shale30

Relations between faunas and the sediments in which they occur32

Relations between faunas and the character of the sea bottom32

Lamellibranchs of the Lorraine mud-deposits33

Brachiopoda of the Lorraine formation34

Gastropoda and Cephalopoda of the Lorraine37

Trilobites of the Lorraine37

Corals and Stromatoporoids of the Richmond formation38

Stationary corals40

Some simple coralla apparently not permanently attached41

Recurrent faunas, brief invasions, and regional absence of species43

The Richmond largely a recurrent Black River and Trenton fauna43

Location of Black River and Trenton faunas during Eden and Maysville times45

Brief incursions of faunas47

Regional absence of species common elsewhere48

Vertical range of certain Canadian Lorraine species49

Correlation of Canadian Upper Ordovician strata with typical Cincinnatian strata50

Manitoulin island50

Sheguiandah formation50

Wekwemikongsing formation51

Meaford formation51

Kagawong formation52

West of Toronto52

Lorraine-like formations52

Meaford or Waynesville formation53

Queenston formation54

Ottawa basin and southern Quebec54

Strophomena zone or the Waynesville member of the Richmond55

Richmond of lake St. John56

Queenston member of the Richmond56

Correlation of Upper Ordovician strata in southern Ontario and Quebec with the Lorraine of New York57


Description of species59


1. Diagram of Polar regions showing Polar and Greenland deep seas and the distribution of Gonioceras19

2. Pal?ogeography of : (A) Lower Ordovician time; (B) Middle Ordovician time20

3-14. Crinoidea83

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