1.Introduction to the Study of Crime1

What Is To Be Integrated?1

Linking Theory and Data5

The Current Study7

2.Theories of Criminality9

Theoretical Legacies10

The Criminal as a Unifying Concept13

Two Major Problems, Some Exceptions,and New Directions18

Crime and the Community21

Some Hypotheses26

Summary and Conclusions27

3.Theories of Victimization and Criminal Opportunities29

Historical Foundations for Current Victimization Theories30

The Lifestyle-Exposure Theory of Victimization32

The Routine Activity Theory35

Alternative Theoretical Models39

Contextual Effects in Models of Victimization44

Major Concepts in Victimization Theories46

Problems with Previous Evaluations of Victimization Theories52

Summary and Research Hypotheses56

4. An Integrated Perspective59

Compatibility of Theories of Criminality and Victimization60

A Heuristic Model63


5.Data Sources for Evaluating Criminological Theories73

UCR Data and Census Reports74

National Crime Surveys77

Seattle Telephone Survey79

Measures of Major Concepts84

Analytic Procedures93

Summary and Conclusions94

Measures of Concepts and Descriptive Statistics95

6.The Empirical Distribution of Crime and Victimization101

Victim-Offender Relationship101

Physical Location of Crime103

Time of Occurrence of Crime111

Social Characteristics of Offenders and Victims112

Summary and Conclusions119

7.Predicting Crime Rates121

Crime Rates and Theoretically Derived Variables122

Variation in the Predictors of Crime Rates134

The Value of Theoretical Integration138

Conclusions and Implications139

8.Predicting Individuals' Risks of Victimization141

Explaining the Victimization Experience141

Conclusions and Implications147

9.Crime and Context149

Types of Contextual Effects149

The Importance of Contextual Effects151

Main and Mediational Effects of Contextual Factors152

Interactions between Contextual and Individual Factors153

Conclusions and Implications162

10.Summaryand Implications165

Summary of Results165

Implications for Macro-Level Theories of Criminality167

Implications for Theories of Victimization168

Implications for a General Theory of Crime170

Implications of Data Limitations for Testing Theories172

Implications for Crime Control Policy174

Criminal Propensities and the Social Context177




Author Index203

Subject Index207

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