Foreword by Rabbi Dr.Joseph Soloveitchik1


CHAPTER ONE Composition and Jurisdiction of the Courts7

SECTION Ⅰ.Composition and Jurisdiction of the Great Sanhedrin7

A.Composition of the Great Sanhedrin7

B.Judicial Functions10

1.Major Transgressions by Groups and Individuals10

a.City or a Majority of a Tribe Accused of Idolatry10

b.False Prophets12

c.The Rebellious Elder13

d.The Suspected Adulteress14

2.Capital Punishment for High Officials15

a.The High Priest15

b.A Tribal President17

3.Boundary Determinations18

a.Boundaru Disputes18

b.A Man Found Slain Between Two Cities19

C.Nonjudicial Functions21

1.Important Decisions Regarding the Nation21

a.Declaration of War21

b.Enlarging Jerusalem or the Holy Temple23

2.Appointment of High Officials24

a.The King24

b.The High Priest25

3.Supervision and Participation in Certain Sacrificial Rites25

a.Certain Sin Offerings25

b.Burning the Red Heifer27

c.Examining the Priests and Levites28

4.Overseeing Matters Concerning-the Law29

a.Establishing the Lesser Sanhedrin and Appointing Judges29

b.Correcting the King’s Scroll of the Law30

c.The Jubilee Year31

D.The Final Arbiter of the Law32

SECTION Ⅱ.Jurisdiction of the Lesser Sanhedrin34

A.Judicial Functions34

1.Capital Punishment34

2.Trials of Animals37

SECTION Ⅲ.Jurisdiction of the Beth Din39

A.Judicial Functions39

1.Commerical Matters39

2.Personal and Property Damage41

3.Remedies for Antisocial Conduct44

a.The Twofold, Fourfold and Fivefold Payments44

b.Robbery and Mayhem45

c.Rape and Seduction47


4.Marital Cases52

a.Slandering the Bride52



ⅰ.Before a Court of Three59

ⅱ.Before a Court of Two60

ⅲ.Before a Court of One62

B.Nonjudicial Functions64

1.Appraisals and Valuations of Property and People64

a.Fruit of Fourth-Year Trees and Second Tithes64

b.Redemption of Dedicated Objects66

c.Appraisal of Movable Property to Redeem a Pledge67

d.Appraisal of Real Estate68

2.Valuation of a Person69

C.Administrative Functions70

1.Calendar Determinations70

a.Sanctification of the New Moon70

b.Intercalation of the Year72

2.Court Officers74

SECTION Ⅳ Current Status of the Jurisdiction of the Courts - Jurisdiction of Nonordained Judges75


1.Basis for Ordination75

2.Relaxation of Ordination Requirement77

3.Basis of Authority of Nonordained Judges79

B.Jurisdiction of the Nonordained Judges81

1.Commercial Matters84

2.Personal and Property Damage86

a.Damages Caused by Fire or by a “Pit”86

b.Damages for Loss of Earnings and Medical Expenses88

c.Damages Where Defendant Is the Indirect Cause94

d.A Person Injuring Another’s Property95

e.An Animal Injuring Another Animal, or Causing Property Damage, “With Its Foot” or “With Its Tooth”96

3.Civil Remedies for Antisocial Conduct97

a.Penalties of Rabbinic Origin97

b.Excommunication of the Wrongdoer Until He Conciliates the Injured Person100

c.Seizure of Property104


ⅱ.Multiple Penalties107

ⅲ.Effect of the Wrongdoer’s Admission108

ⅳ.Court Assistance Prior to Seizure of Property110

ⅴ.Burden of Proof in Self-Help Cases112

ⅵ.Right to Retain Seized Property114




g.Refuted Witnesses120

4.Marital Cases122

a.Compelling a Man to Divorce His Wife122

b.Marriage-Contract Settlements123

5.Nonjudicial Function123

a.Accepting of Converts123

SECTION Ⅴ.Lack of Jurisdiction by Nonordained Judges and Potential for Expanded Jurisdiction126

A.Judicial Functions126

1.Personal and Property Damage126

a.Damages for Permanent Injury, Pain or Embarrassment Caused by Another Person126

b.People Injured by Animals128

c.An Animal Injuring Another Animal “With Its Horn”129

d.Torah Penalties130

e.Payments Made Comparable to Torah Penalties Contrasted With Other Rabbinic Penalties132

2.Civil Remedies for Antisocial Conduct134

a.Blemish for Rape or Seduction of a Virgin134


3.Potential for Expanding Jurisdiction of Nonordained Judges136

CHAPTER TWO Exigency Jurisdiction of the Courts139


A.Background and Development of Exigency Jurisdiction140

1.Biblical Allusions140

2.Talmudic Sources142

3.Elaboration of Principles by Commentaries and Compendiums144

4.Restatement of Law by Codes149

5.Capital or Corporal Punishment154

6.Illustrative Applications of Exigency Jurisdiction in Rabbinic Responsa163

B.Situations Constituting an Exigency172

C.Relaxation of Evidentiary Rules178

D.Who Is Authorized to Act?183


2.Communal Leaders188

E.Use of Non-Jewish Agents and Courts204

F.Alternative Remedies206

Summary of Legal Principles Contained in Chapters One and Two214


Citation Index243

Subject Index259

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