Definition and Perspective in Mental Health and Law InteractionsBRUCE D.SALES and SALEEM A.SHAH1

Civil Commitment of the Mentally Ill:Research, Policy and PracticeMARY L.DURHAM17

Does Involuntary Outpatient Commitment Work?KATHLEEN A.MALoY41

Research on the Law and Practice of GuardianshipPHILLIP B.TOR and BRUCE D.SALES75

Clinical Assessments for Legal Decisionmaking in Criminal Cases:Research RecommendationsTHOMAS GRISSO109

Treatment for Forensic PatientsMARNIE E.RICE, GRANT T.HARRIS andVERNON L.QUINSEY141

Settings for Providing Criminal and Civil Forensic Mental Health ServicesRONALD ROESCH and JAMES R.P.OGLOFF191

Issues in the Financing and Organization of Mental Health ServicesJEFFREY RUBIN219

Sex Offenders and the Law:New DirectionsJEFFREY A.KLOTz257

Criminalizing the Seriously Mentally Ill:Putting the Problem in PerspectiveLINDA A.TEPLIN and ECFORD S.VOIT283

Research on Law and Mental Health Issues Affecting MinorsEDWARD P.MULvEY and PRESTON A.BRITNER319

Therapeutic Jurisprudence:New Directions in Law/Mental Health ScholarshipDAvID B.WEXLER357


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