Ⅰ. Aristotle on Legal Redress1

Ⅱ. Freie Rechtsprechung und die Athenische De- mokratie15

Ⅲ. Demosthenes in Zenothemis v. Demon24

Ⅳ. Greek Law36

Ⅴ Geschlecht und Verwandtschaft im Altnorwegi- schen Rechte46

Ⅵ. Wergeld und Stand84

Ⅶ. Zur Wergeldfrage153

Ⅷ. The Teaching of Sir Henry Maine173

Ⅸ. Reason and Conscience in Sixteenth-centuryJurisprudence190

Ⅹ. The Study of Jurisprudence205

Ⅺ. The Crisis of Modern Jurisprudence215

Ⅻ. Ludwig Mitteis226

ⅩⅢ. Rights of Status in Modern Law230

ⅩⅣ. Les Maximes dans I’ancien Droit Commun Anglais239

ⅩⅤ. Historical Types of International Law248

ⅩⅥ. Aims and Methods of Jurisprudence319

ⅩⅦ. Juridical Persons328

ⅩⅧ. Legal Standards and Ideals341

ⅩⅨ. The Juridical Nature of the State350

ⅩⅩ. The Foundations of a Theory of Rights367

ⅩⅪ. Some Problems of Public Law381

ⅩⅫ. Some Considerations on the Methods of Ascer- taining Legal Customs402

ⅩⅩⅢ. The Problem of Customary Law410

ⅩⅩⅣ. Quelques Problemes d’Histoire du Droit Anglo- Normand423

ⅩⅩⅤ. The Church438

ⅩⅩⅥ. Sources of Law.Right and Law465


Chronological list of publications479

Subjects treated in Seminar495

Prefaces to Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History497

PublicLectures given in England and Foreign Countries497

Reviews of Sir Paul Vinogradoff’s Works500


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