1 Greco-Roman Rhetoric: The Canon and its History1

Principles of Greco-Roman Forensic Rhetoric: The Canon4

Medieval Rhetoric6

Renaissance Rhetoric8

English Neoclassical Rhetoric10

Classical Rhetoric in Nineteenth-Century America12

Classical Rhetoric in Twentieth-Century America13

2 Greco-Roman Legal Analysis: The Topics of Invention23

Dialectical ‘Proof ’and Rhetorical ‘Probability’24

Factual Analysis26

Topoi or Common Lines of Argument27

Modern Approaches to the Topics of Invention36

Similarities and Differences37

3 Brief Rhetoric: The Organization of Argument44

Classical Principles of Organization45

4 Ethos, Pathos and Legal Audience57

Emotion and Advocate Credibility57

Greco-Roman Approaches to Persuasion57

Greco-Roman Audiences58

Emotion and Argument: Pathos60

Emotion and the Character of the Judge62

Emotion and Organization63

Ethos and Lawyer Credibility67

Ethos and Pathos: The Modem View70

Similarities and Differences77

5 Greco-Roman Analysis of Metaphoric Reasoning85

Classical Approaches to Metaphor86

Modern Analysis of Legal Metaphors94

Modem Theories of Metaphoric Reasoning97

Similarities and Differences102

6 Greco-Roman Elements of Forensic Style109

Classical Approach to Antithesis and Parallelism109

Modem Approaches to Antithesis and Parallelism112

Similarities and Differences116

7 The Rhetoric of Dissent: A Greco-Roman Analysis119

Limits of Dissent120

United States v. Virginia: The Majority Opinion124

Justice Scalia’s Dissent125




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