
Chapter Ⅰ.International Law and International Politics in Economic Development10

Chapter Ⅱ.The Law of International Economic Development22

The UNCTAD Preferences and the Principles of Assistance to International Development29

Historical Analysis of the Origins of UNCTAD39

The Trade Preference Claims in UNCTAD Content and its Legal Relationships to the UN44

Arguments in Favor of the UNCTAD Development Claims60

Chapter Ⅲ.The Legal Issue of the Aid Relationships between Developed and Developing Countries71

United States Economic Aid to the Developing Countries85

U.S.Aid and Exports with the Developing Nations103

President Nixon's Reform of the U.S.Foreign Assistance Program114

Proposals of President Nixon's Task Force on Economic Development and Assumption of the Task Force123

Aid Relationship Between Great Britain and the Developing African Countries124

The United Kingdom's Bilateral Technical Assistance to the Developing Countries129

Aid Relationship Between France and Some of the African States Classified as Franc Zone134

How French Aid Worked in Africa After the Second World War140

French Technical Assistance to the Developing Nations142

West German Foreign Aid and Policies Toward the Developing Countries144

West German Technical Assistance to Africa154

Comparative Assistance Flows to the Developing Countries by D.A.C.Member Countries156

Comparative Legal Considerations on Economic Development161

Sovereignty and Aid in the Developing Nations:Expropriation-the Peruvian Case164

Chapter Ⅳ.The World Bank's Plan:Policy Considerations and Operational Control184

The World Bank's Plan:Procedural Considerations193

The World Bank's Lending Procedures194

Formation of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes202

The Legal Status of UNDP206

Chapter Ⅴ.The Aims,Principles and Forms of Economic Cooperation of the Socialist Countries with the Developing Nations of Africa214

Principles of Economic Cooperation of the Socialist Countries with the Developing Nations of Africa and Asia225

Forms of Economic Cooperation of the Socialist Countries with the Developing Nations230

Character and the Aims of International Agreements in the Sphere of Economic Cooperation Between the Socialist States and the Developing Countries-The Concept of an International Economic Treaty234

Intergovernmental Agreements on Economic Cooperation of the Socialist Countries241

Legal Norms Established by Bilateral Contracts Between Foreign Trade Organizations of the Socialist Countries and State Firms of Africa in the Sphere of Technical Assistance253

The Shifting Soviet View on Foreign Aid and Economic Development of the Developing Nations272

Chapter Ⅵ.Legal Questions of Economic Relationship of the EEC with the African States and Malagasy States291

EEC and Preferences to the Developing Nations305

The Association Agreement Between the EEC and the Republic of Nigeria308

Comparative Statistics:Nigeria/U.K.and Nigeria/EEC Trade313

Chapter Ⅶ.Provision on Implementation of the Covenants on Social and Cultural Rights323

Human Rights and Natural Resources330



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