《An Introduction to Public Health Second Edition》求取 ⇩

Ⅰ The Backgrounds and Associations of Public Health Work1

Ⅱ Vital Statistics15

Ⅲ Organization and Administration of Public Health Work37

Ⅳ The Acute Communicable Diseases54

Ⅴ Tuberculosis as a Public Health Problem116

Ⅵ The Venereal Diseases134

Ⅶ Sanitation148

Ⅷ Industrial Hygiene169

ⅨThe Individual and His Hygiene178

Ⅹ Childbearing and Its Relation to the Public Health189

Ⅺ The Hygiene of Infancy and Young Childhood200

Ⅻ School Health Service214

ⅩⅢ Public Health Aspects of Certain Non-Communicable Diseases236

ⅩⅣ Medical Care and Public Health246

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