《Proceedings of The Third National Cancer Conference》求取 ⇩

PART Ⅰ:Opening and Closing Remarks1

PART Ⅱ:General Lectures13

PART Ⅲ:Symposia and Panels85

A.Symposium on Cancer of the Breast85

B.Panels on Cancer of the Prostate179

C.Joint Symposium on Cancer of the Breast and of the Prostate245

D.Symposium on Lymphomas and Leukemias303

E.Symposium on Chemotherapy in Cancer393

F.Symposium on Cancer of the Lung447

G.Symposium on Cancer of the Head and Neck539

H.Symposium on Cancer of the Female Genital Tract599

I.Symposium on Cancer of the Gastro-intestinal Tract719

J.Symposium on End-Results in the Treatment of Cancer833


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