《Medical and Biological Aspects of The Energies of Space》求取 ⇩

Introduction&Paul A.Campbell,Col.,USAF (MC)1


Energies of Solar Origin&R.Grant Athay Walter O.Roberts11

Energies from Cosmic Sources:Starlight,Nebulae,and Cosmic Rays&Frank N.Edmonds,Jr.20

Particulate Contents of Space&Fred L.Whipple49

Magnetic Fields&Walter Dieminger71

Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation and Interplanetary Cosmic Flux:The Radiation environment in the Interior of a Space Vehicle&Alan Rosen90

Radiation sources Carried by the Space Vehicle&Donald M.Ross130

The Gravitation Phenomenon and Its Energy Implications&John C.Cook154


Address Delivered at Banquet,October 25,1960&Don R.Ostrander,Maj.Gen.,USAF179


Energy Conversion and Balance in Manned Space Vehicles&Hans G.Clamann193

Energy Conversion in Photosynthesis&Daniel I.Arnon207

Minimum and Maximum Tolerances of Algae to Temperature and Light Intensity&Robert W.Krauss Anthony Osretkar253

Spectral Efficiency of Photosynthesis&Eugene Rabinowitch274

Radiation Tolerances in Photosynthesis and Consequences of Excesses&Bessel Kok Leonard H.Bongers299

Periodicity of Illumination and Photosynthesis in Space&Jesse N.Phillips,Jr.323

Logistics of Photosynthesis&B.E.Welch337


The Interaction of Primary Cosmic Rays with Matter and Tissue&Franklin Hutchinson349

The Reaction of Secondary Cosmic Rays with Matter and Tissue&George W.Crawford367

Problems in Shielding&John E.Pickering,Col.,USAF Ralph G.Allen,Jr.,Maj.,USAF Oskar L.Ritter381

The Chemical and Biological Protection and Treatment of Mammals&John F.Thomson Harvey M.P391

Effects of Low-Level Repeated Exposures of Ionizing Radiation&Gerrit L.Hekhuis,Col.,USAF (MC)408

Electromagnetic Radiation&Titus C.Evans415

Particulate Radiation:Electrons and Protons up to Carbon&Cornelius A.Tobias Roger Wallace421

Particulate Radiation Heavier Than Carbon&David G.Simons,Lt.Col.,USAF443

Space Energies:Summation&Hubertus Strughold,M.D.463


Ⅰ.Definitions of Terms,Quantities,and Units473

Ⅱ.Conversion Factors476


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