《The Eighteen-Seventies》求取 ⇩

1.Lord Houghton and his Circle&BY THE MARQUESS OF CREWE1

2.Novelists of the 'Seventies&BY HUGH WALPOLE22

3.Some Women Novelists of the 'Seventies&BY WALTER DE LA MARE45

4.Andrew Lang in the 'Seventies-and After&BY GEORGE SAINTSBURY80

5.The Poetry of the 'Seventies&BY JOHN DRINKWATER96

6.The Women Poets of the 'Seventies&BY V.SACKVILLE-WEST111

7.The Theatre in the 'Seventies&BY SIR ARTHUR PINERO133

8.Tennyson,Swinburne,Meredith-and the Theatre&BY HARLEY GRANVILLE-BARRER161

9.Crities and Criticism in the 'Seventies&BY FREDERICK S.BOAS192

10.Oxford in the 'Seventies&BY R.W.MACAN210

11.Cambridge in the 'Seventies&BY W.E.HEITLAND249

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