《The Grand Babylon Hotel A Fantasia on Modern Themes》求取 ⇩


1 The Millionaire and the Waiter13

2 How Mr Racksole obtained his Dinner21

3 At Three a.m29

4 Entrance of the Prince39

5 What occurred to Reginald Dimmock45

6 In the Gold Room52

7 Nella and the Prince58

8 Arrival and Departure of the Baroness64

9 Two Women and the Revolver71

10 At Sea78

11 The Court Pawnbroker85

12 Rocco and Room No.11192

13 In the State Bedroom98

14 Rocco answers some Questions102

15 End of the Yacht Adventure110

16 The Woman with the Red Hat117

17 The Release of Prince Eugen126

18 In the Night-Time133

19 Royalty at the Grand Babylon140

20 Mr Sampson Levi bids Prince Eugen Good Morning147

21 The Return of Felix Babylon154

22 In the Wine Cellars of the Grand Babylon162

23 Further Events in the Cellar169

24 The Bottle of Wine175

25 The Steam Launch181

26 The Night Chase and the Mudlark189

27 The Confession of Mr Tom Jackson194

28 The State Bedroom Once More202

29 Theodore is called to the Rescue208

30 Conclusion215

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