《The New Intermediaste English Course Book Two》求取 ⇩

1The Interview&by Alan Hackney1

1.Question Forms and Constructions (Part Two)6

2.Reported (Indirect) Speech (Part One)9

2Passing Through the Customs&by G.K.Chesterton18

1.More about"Should"and"Would"23

2.More about "May" and"Might"24

3.Reported (Indirect) Speech (Part Two)25

3A Night Out in the Dolomites&by Bertha Smith27

1.Subordinate (Dependent) Clauses33

2.The Omission of"Whom","Which"and"That"in Adjective Clauses36

3.More about Infinitives38

4The Voice&by V.S.Pritchett39

1.The Past Continuous Tense (Part Two)46

2.The Use of Capital Letters47

3.More about the Definite Article48

5Letters to the Secretary of State for Air Concerning Helicopters&by H.F.Ellis51

1.Another Use of the Indefinite Article56



6The Real Heat Begins in June&by H.E.Bates67

1.The"Unfinished"Use of the Perfect Tenses (Part Two)68

2.More about the Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses69

7The Cat under the Bed&by John Millington Ward77

1.The"Unfinished"Use of the Perfect Tenses (Part Three)77

2.A Special Use of the Verb"To be"in the Continuous Tenses77

3.More Special Uses of"Will"and"Would"79

4.Another Use of"Used"80

8Back-Stage Tensions from The Times83

1.The Present and Past Continuous Tenses with"Always"87

2.More about the Definite Article87

3.The Passive Voice (Part Two)88

4.The"-ing"Form of a Verb (Part Three)91

9On Living Again&by"Alpha of the Plough"94

1.More about"Shall"and"Should"99

2.The Use of Tenses in Wishes100

10The Cage&by Dal Stivens103

1.Periods of Time107

2.Question Forms and Constructions (Part Three)113

3.More about the Negatives of Expressions of Necessity,Duty,Obligation and Advisability114

11Mrs.Miniver Comes Back from Abroad&by Jan Struther121

1.More about the Definite Article121

2.More about "Will" and"Would"122

3.The Apostrophe and"s"124

12Rien Ne Va Plus&by Alexander Woollcott130

1.The"-ing"Form of a Verb (Part Four)130

2.Some Remarks on Punctuation133

13The Private Life of Mr.Bidwell&by James Thurber138

1.More about"Will"and"Would"144

2.More about the Definite Article146

and The Uses of"Make"and"Do"146


14In Defence of Wasps&by"Alpha of the Plough"153

1.More about the Definite Article157

2.More about"Will"158

3.Another Note about Reported Speech158

4.More about"Should"and"Would"159

15Holes in the Road&by Helen Vlachos163

1.The"-ing"Form of a Verb (Part Five)166

2.The Past Continuous Tense (Part Three)169

3.Infinitives and Clauses of Purpose171

16The Story-Teller&by"Saki"175

1.Conditions and their Results181

17I Was a Private Eye&from The Times193

1.More about the Verb"To be"197

2.More about"If"Clauses199

18The Canary&by Katherine Mansfield203

1.Statements of Cause and Effect209


1.Some Subjects for Composition211

2.Some More Subjects for Letter-Writing212

3.Table of Infinitive Forms213

4.Index of Grammar Points in both books of The New Intermediate English Course214

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