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1.The Life of the Buddha25

2.The Ministry34

3.The Rise of the Two Schools45

4.The Spread of Buddhism60

5.Theravada Buddhism Ⅰ:The Three Signs of Being78

6.Theravada Buddhism Ⅱ:The Four Noble Truths90

7.Theravada Buddhism Ⅲ:Karma and Rebirth97

8.Theravada Buddhism Ⅳ:The Noble Eightfold Path108

9.Theravada Buddhism Ⅴ:The Four Paths and the Goal119

10.The Sangha132

11.Some Mahayana Principles143

12.The Bodhisattva Ideal and the Pure Land Schools158

13.Schools of the Mahayana167

14.Zen Buddhism179

15.Tibetan Buddhism189

16.The Fruits of Buddhism205

17.Buddhism To-day220

Appendix Ⅰ.The Buddhist Scriptures233

Appendix Ⅱ.Pansil240


General Bibliography247


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