《Translations Series 1 Volume 5 Stability and Dynamic Systems》求取 ⇩

Malkin,I.G.Certain questions on the theory of the stability of motion in the sense of Lyapunov1

___,On the stability of motion in the sense of Lyapunov175

___,Some basic theorems of the theory of stability of motion in critical cases242

___,On stability under constantly acting disturbances291

___,Oscillations of systems with one degree of freedom close to systems of Lyapunov298

___,Oscillations of systems with several degrees of freedon,close to systems of Lyapunov360

Al'muhamedov,M.I.On conditions for the existence of stable and unstable centers389

Bautin,N.N.On the number of limit cycles which appear with the variation of coefficients from an equilibrium position of focus or center type396

Nemyckiǐ,V.V.Topological problems of the theory of dynamical systems414

El'sgol'c,L.E.An estimate for the number of singular points of a dynamical system defined on a manifold498

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