Ⅴ. Thietane and Its Derivatives. By Y. Etienne, R. Soulas andH. Lumbroso647

Ⅰ. General Discussion649

Ⅱ. Physical Properties656

Ⅲ. Physicochemical Properties of Thietane and ItsDerivatives666

Ⅳ. Preparations of Thietanes677

Ⅴ. Chemical Reactivity of Thietane and Its Derivatives692

Ⅵ. Sulfoxides, Sulfones, and Addition Compounds of Thietanes700

Ⅶ. Oligomers and Polymers of Thietane714

Ⅷ. Selenetane716

Ⅸ. Appendix724

Ⅹ. References726

Ⅵ. β-Lactones. By .Y. Etienne and N. Fischer729

I. General733

Ⅱ. Physical Properties737

Ⅲ. Physicochemical Properties of the β-Lactones772

Ⅳ. Preparation of β-Lactones.787

Ⅴ. Preparation of Ketene Dimers having a β-LactoneStructure802

Ⅵ. Reactions of the β-Lactones805

Ⅶ. Reactions of Ketene Dimers with a -Lactone Structure830

Ⅷ. β-Lactone Polymers838

Ⅸ. Toxicity and Biological Properties of β-Lactones844

Ⅹ. β-Thiolactones848

Ⅺ. References859

Ⅶ. Trimethyleneimines. By James A. Moore885

Ⅰ. Introduction886

Ⅱ. Azetidines887

Ⅲ. Azetidinones (β-Lactams)917

Ⅳ. Azetidinediones951

Ⅴ. Derivatives of 1,2-Diazetidine956

Ⅵ. Derivatives of Uretidine (1,3-Diazetidine)960

Ⅶ. Other Ring Systems969

Ⅷ. References970

Ⅷ. Four-Membered Rings Containing Two Heteroatoms. By W. D. Emmons978

Ⅰ. Introduction978

Ⅱ. β-Sultones978

Ⅲ. 1,2-Oxazetidines981

Ⅳ. References982

Ⅸ. Oxetanes.By Scott Searles, Jr983

Ⅰ. Introduction984

Ⅱ. Structure and Properties of the Oxetane Ring985

Ⅲ. Reactions of Oxetanes989

Ⅳ. Natural Occurrence and Pharmacological Properties1012

Ⅴ. Methods of Synthesis1014

Ⅵ. Oxetes1054

Ⅶ. References1060

Author Index1069

Subject Index1119

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