1.IntroductionJAMES A.CRAMER9

2.Deterrence Reseearch:Problema of Theory and MethodW.WILLIAM MINOR21

3.Use of Victimization Data To Measure DeterrenceDAVID LEWIS SMITH and CHARLES WICKER WARREN47

4.The Police Role in Deterring CrimeROBERT J.O’CONNOR and BERNARD GIMAN75

5.What Is Known About Deterrent Effects of Police ActivitiesJAN M.CHAIKEN109

6.The Deterrent Power of ProsecutionJOAN E.JACOBY137

7.Deterrent From Drug OffensesB.KRISHNA SINGH163

8.Measuring the Incapacitative Effectiveeness of Fixed Punishment185

9.The Social Reality of Juvenile Justice:Protection and Punishi-mentRALPH L.BLANKENSHIP and C.ALLEN SCARORO205

10.The Deterrence Doctrine and Public Policy:A Response to UtilitariansROBERT F.MEIER233

About the Authors249

Author Index251

Subject Index254

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