1. Rural America: Known and Unknown1

2. What is Rural Development18

3. Discovering What Concerns Rural America33

4. User Characteristics and Purposes43

5. Demographic Data63

6. Housing73

7. Health and Nutrition80

8. Education99

9. Public Services and Community Facilities111

10. Economic Development129

11. Natural Resources and Energy161

12. Strategies for Improving Rural Development Information179

13. Summary and Recommendations189

Appendix A. Analytic Definitions of "Rural"209

Appendix B. Letter Survey of State and Local Rural Development Issues220

Appendix C. Participants, Workshop of State and Regional Officials and Workshop of Rural Interest Groups283

Appendix D. Local Planning Documents: Bibliography and Excerpts285

Appendix E. Data Set Descriptions478

Appendix F. Health Service Area Data Collection569

Appendix G. Regression Estimation for Small Areas572

Appendix H. Use of Some Statistical Techniques in Development Studies587

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