1: Introduction : southern Africa as region1

Southern Africa as a Region3

Theory and Southern Africa8

Country case Studies11

Organization of the Book15

2: Malawi : institutionalizing multipartyism19

Historical Origins of the Malawian State21

Society and Development: Regional and Ethnic Cleavages and the Politics of Pluralism25

Organization of the State30

Representation and Participation34

Fundamentals of the Political economy40

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century43

3: Zambia: civil society resurgent45

Historical Origins of the Zambia State48

Society and Development: Zambia’s Ethnic and Racial Cleavages 51

Organization of the State53

Representation and Participation59

Fundamentals of the Political economy68

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century75

4: Botswana: dominant party democracy81

Historical Origins of the Botswana State83

Organization of the State87

Representation and Participation93

Fundamentals of the Political economy101

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century104

5: Mozambique: reconstruction and democratization109

Historical Origins of the Mozambique State113

Organization of the State119

Representation and Participation121

Fundamentals of the Political economy125

Political economy and Development134

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century136

6: Angola: peace and the predatory state139

Historical Origins of the Angola State142

Society and Development: The Long War and Its Aftermath146

Organization of the State153

Representation and Participation158

Fundamentals of the Political economy163

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century164

7: Zimbabwe: state and society in crisis169

Historical Origins of the Zimbabwe State173

Society and Development: The Politics of Racial and Ethnic Pluralism in a Postsettler society179

Organization of the State183

Representation and Participation188

Fundamentals of the Political economy197

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century200

8: Namibia: limits to liberation205

Historical Origins of the Namibia: State208

Organization of the State214

Representation and Participation220

Society and Development: Enduring Cleavages228

Fundamentals of the Political economy132

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century133

9: South Africa : contending with the contradictions237

Historical Origins of the South Africa: State241

Apartheid and Its Legacy: Enduring Cleavages in Politics and society242

The Politics of Transition and Negotiation245

Organization of the State249

Representation and Participation256

Fundamentals of the Political economy268

Challenges for the Twenty-First Century273

10: The AIDS crisis in southern Africa277

A Staggering Impact on the Region278

Anepidemic Waiting to Happen?287

The Way Forward295

11: Women and politics in southern Africa303

Women in the Precolonial and Colonial Periods in Southern Africa305

Women in Nationalist Movements: The Struggle for Independence and Representation301

Women in Recent Political Transitions315

Increasing women’s Political Representation319

Women’s Movements in the Region322

Women in Southern Africa: Present and Future Challenges324

12: Southern Africa's international relations329

Southern African regional Institutions and Issues331

Southern Africa in Africa336

Globalization and Southern Africa340

The Zimbabwe Dilemma347


13: Conclusion : meeting regional challenges353

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