1: Introduction1

2: The United Nations : adapting to the twenty-first century9

3: The Millennium Project : from words to action19

4: UN reform and the high-level panel report on threats, challenges, and change25

5: Implementing the Secretary General's report, "in larger freedom"33

6: The Monterrey Consensus : developing the policy innovations43

7: Ensuring adequate resources to meet the millennium development goals63

8: WMD and terrorism : can the UN help to keep the genie in the bottle?79

9: Legal and legitimate use of force under the UN Charter : a critical analysis of the report of the high-level panel89

10: Small arms, big killers105

11: Freedom from fear : effective, efficient, and equitable security115

12: The UN reform agenda and human rights131

13: The UN Security Council : reform or enlarge?143

14: Working better together : implementing the high-level panel's recommendations on peacebuilding153

15: Making the case for change169

16: Managing the reform agenda : a call for timely action177

17: The way forward183

Notes on Contributors189

Appendix: Conference Agenda193

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