Part One Globalizafion Discussed1

1.Civilizing Others: Global Modernity and the Local Boundaries (French/German, Ottoman, and Arab) of Savagery BIRGIT SCHAEBLER3

2. Subduing Globalization: The Challenge of the Indigenization Movement MEHRZAD BOROUJERDI30

3. Subjectivity, Political Evaluation, and Islamist Trajectories39

4. Islam in the West: Modernity and Globalization Revisited80

5. Islam, Knowledge, and "the West": The Making of a Global Islam93

Part Two Globalization Experienced and Practiced111

6.Gtobalization, Migration, and Identity: Sudan, 1800-2000113

7 Globalization and the Internet: The Malaysian Experence138

8 The Global Mufti153

9 Where does Globalization Take Place? Opportunities and Limitations for Female Activists in Turkish Islamist Non-Governmental Organizations166

10 From Postmodernism to Glocalism: Toward a Theoratical Understanding of Contemporary Arab Muslim Constructions of Religious Others188

11 The Scandal of Literalism in Hamas,the Israeli-palestinian Conflict,and Beyond206

Works Cited225


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