1. Introduction1

Part I. Leadership and Accountability9

2. From Turbulence to Tragedy: The Crash of Ron Brown's Flight in Croatia11

3. The Battle to Destroy Chemical Weapons27

4. Changing Course: Admiral James Watkins and the DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex55

Part II. Civil-Military and Military-Media Relations81

5. Generals versus the President: Eisenhower and the Army, 1953-195583

6. "Rotation from Hell": The 48th Infantry Brigade, Georgia Army National Guard in Desert Shield/Desert Storm101

7. Burned by the Press: One Commander's Experience115

Part III. Technology and Industrial Policy131

8. Breaking the Market or Preventing Market Breakdown: The Technology Reinvestment Project133

9. Searching for a Safer Technology: Army-Community Conflict in Chemical Weapons Destruction149

Part IV. Resource Management (Exercises)169

10. Four Days in December171

11. Nationland185


About the Editor and Contributors201

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