1 Introduction: The China Policy Conundrum1

2 Continuity and Change in U.S. China Policy11

3 Challenging the Status Quo: Nixon and the Politics of Rapprochement21

4 Normalization Realized: Carter and the Institutionalization of Engagement47

5 Developing a Strategic Partnership: Reagan and the China-Taiwan Balancing Act79

6 Salvaging U.S.-China Relations: G.H.W. Bush and the Aftermath of Tiananmen Square107

7 A Tale of Three Engagements: Clinton and the Struggle to Balance Competing Interests133

8 From Strategic Competitor to Uneasy Ally: G. W. Bush and the Fragile U.S.-China Relationship165

9 Tecurring Patterns in U.S.China Decisionmaking187

Appendix A: Research Strategy230

Appendix B: U.S. Opinion of U.S.-China Relations209

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations219



About the Book255

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