
1.1 Problem definition1

1.2 Example systems for study4

1.3 Overview of design approach5

1.4 Summary7

Suggestions for further reading7

Problems and exercises9

2Linear Discrete Dynamic Systems Analysis: The z-Transform11

2.1 Introduction11

2.2 Linear difference equations11

2.3 The discrete transfer function14

2.4 Signal analysis and dynamic response26

2.5 Properties of the z-transform36

2.6 Regions of convergence and the inverse integral41

2.7 Implementation of difference equations in real time44

2.8 Summary48

Appendix to Chapter 248

Problems and exercises50

3Discrete Equivalents to Continuous Transfer Functions:The Digital Filter53

3.1 Introduction53

3.2 Design of digital filters by numerical integration54

3.3 Pole-zero mapping61

3.4 Hold equivalence62

3.5 Butterworth and ITAE equivalents66

3.6 Summary73

Problems and exercises73

4 Sampled Data Systems77


4.2 Sampling as impulse modulation77

4.3 Sampled spectra and aliasing79

4.4 Data extrapolation and impostors82

4.5 Block diagram analysis of sampled data systems85

4.6 Summary92

Problems and exercises92

5Design of Digital Control Systems Using Transform Techniques95


5.2 z-plane specifications of control system design96

5.3 Design by discrete equivalent105

5.4 Root locus in the z-plane108

5.5 Frequency response methods: The w’-transform113

5.6 Direct design method of Ragazzini119

5.7 A second example: Temperature control via mixing124

5.8 Summary126

Problems and exercises127

6 Design of Digital Control Systems Using State-Space Methods131


6.2 System representation131

6.3 Control-law design139

6.4 Estimator design145

6.5 Regulator design150

6.6 Servodesign: Introduction of the reference input by feedforward control155

6.7 Controllability and observability164

6.8 Summary171

Appendix A to Chapter 6171

Appendix B to Chapter 6178

Problems and exercises181

7 Quantization Effects185


7.2 Deterministic analysis of roundoff variables185

7.3 Stochastic analysis of roundoff variables190

7.4 Effects of roundoff of parameters195

7.5 Limit cycles and dither198

7.6 Summary201

Appendix to Chapter 7201

Problems and exercises203

8 System Identification207

8.1Introduction and problem definition207

8.2 Least squares216

8.3 Recursive least squares220

8.4 Stochastic least squares224

8.5 Maximum likelihood234

8.6 Numerical search for the maximum likelihood estimate240

8.7 Summary244

Problems and exercises244

9Multivariable and Optimal Control247

9.1 Introduction247

9.2 Decoupling247

9.3 Optimal control251

9.4 Optimal estimation259

9.5 Example of multivariable control265

9.6 Summary270

Appendix to Chapter 9270

Problems and exercises271

10 Sample Rate Selection275

10.1 Introduction275

10.2 Tracking effectiveness in terms of bandwidth, time response, and roughness275

10.3 Disturbance rejection278

10.4 Sensitivity to parameter variations280

10.5 Effect of prefilter design283

10.6 Summary285

Problems and exercises288

Appendix A: Examples291

A.1 Single-axis satellite attitude control291

A.2 A servomechanism for antenna azimuth control293

A.3 Tank fluid temperature control296

A.4 Control through a flexible structure298

A.5 Control of a pressurized flow box for a paper machine300

Appendix B: Tables303

B.1 Properties of z-transforms303

B.2 Table of z-transforms304

B.3 w-plane transfer functions306

Appendix C: Matrix Analysis307

C.1 Determinants and the matrix inverse307

C.2 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors309

C.3 Similarity transformations310

C.4 The Cayley-Hamilton theorem313

Appendix D: Summary of facts from the Theory ofProbability and Stochastic Processes315

D.1 Random variables315

D.2 Expectation317

D.3 More than one random variable319

D.4 Stochastic processes321



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