1 Introduction1

The City1

2 The Banking System (The London Money Market) Part 19

The Bank of England9

The Nationalisation of the Bank18

Monetart Control19

3 The Banking System (The London Money Market) Part 229

The Other Banks29

Banking Policy31

The Clearing System35

Accepting Houses and the Discount Market36

Treasury Bills41

The Euro-dollar Market43

4 The Capital Market50

Savings and Investments50

Short-and Long-Term Credit51

The New Issue Market52

Investment Trusts and Unit Trusts56

5 The Stock Exchange62

Organisation of the Stock Exchange64

Brokers and Jobbers66

The Choice for the Investor68

Transfers and Settlements73

Settlements and Accounts74

‘Bulls’,‘Bears’ and ‘Stags’75

The Importance of the Stock Exchange77

6Foreign Exchanges83

Rates of Exchange83

The Foreign Exchange Market84

The Gold Standard86

The Balance of Payments92

Stabilisation Funds96

Spot and Forward Exchanges98

Foreign Exchange Control99

The Sterling Area103

7Shipping and Marine Insurance113

The Merchant Navy113

Changes and Problems113

The Baltic Exchange117


8Foreign Trade133

Imports and Exports133

The Terms of Trade137

Distribution and Organisation of Foreign Trade138


Customs and Excise Duties142

Bonded Warehouses and Drawback145

Free Ports148

Import and Export Controls149


The Commodity Markets158

Spot and Futures Markets160


How the Markets Work163

10Distribution and Marketing177

Self-service Stores and Supermarkets177

Branded Goods and Patents183

Resale Price Maintenance186

Hire Purchase189

Consumer Guidance191


Market Research196


11Organisations in Trade and Industry211


Cartels and Trusts212

Employers’ Organisations217

The Trade Unions and the TUC220

12Industrial Relations229

Wage Agreements and Arbitration229

Cost of Living Index230

Strikes and Lockouts233

Incentive Schemes235

Equal Pay239

Human Relations241



13Monopolies and Restrictive Practices260

Monopolies and Restrictive Practices in Trade and Industry260

The Monopolies Commission261

The Restrictive Trade Practices Act of 1956263

The Monopolies and Mergers Act 1965265

Restrictive Practices in the Trade Unions266

14Economic Problems275

Trade Cycles275

Employment and Unemployment279

Planned or Free Economy283

Planning in Britain285

Competition versus Monopoly289

Currency Fluctuations292

15International Problems301

International Co-operation301

The World Bank302

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)303

International Liquidity Shortage305

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)307

The Reconstruction of Europe308

Britain and the Common Market316


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