Chapter 1.Major Components of the Analog Computer1


1-2.Operational Amplifiers1


1-4.The Servomultiplier8

1-5.The Pulse-height Pulse-width Multiplier11

1-6.Additional Methods for Electronic Multiplication13

1-7.The Servo Resolver15

1-8.Output Devices or Recorders17

1-9.Problem Boards22

Chapter 2.Problem Planning and Programming29


2-2.Standard Symbols29

2-3.Methods of Diagramming31

2-4.Computer Work Sheets32

2-5.Scale Factors32

2-6.Problem Preparation for the Analog Computer34

2-7.The Need for Time Transformation41

2-8.Making the Time Transformation42

2-9.Programming Transfer Functions46

2-10.Simulation of a High-order Transfer Function.Which Requires Time Transformation47

2-11.Programming a Problem Which Requires Multiplication49

2-12.Generalized Integration52

2-13.Programming a Set of Simultaneous Differential Equations54

2-14.Programming a Problem Involving Trigonometric Operations57

2-15.Programming a Problem Involving Simultaneous Nonlinear Differential Equations59

Chapter 3.Simulation of Linear Systems64


3-2.Block-diagram Notation65

3-3.Theory and Application of Bode Plots66

3-4.Simulation of Linear Systems by the Direct Solution of the Differential Equations76

3-5.Analysis of a Five-impedance Network91

3-6.Network Synthesis Using an Impedance Table97

3-7.Comparison of Methods109

3-8.The Simulation of Dead Time112

Chapter 4.The Use of Diodes in Analog Computations125


4-2.Limiting the Summing Amplifier126

4-3.Limiting an Integrator136

4-4.Simulation of Dead Space137

4-5.Hysteresis and Backlash139

4-6.Absolute Value142

4-7.The Comparator and Its Applications143

4-8.The Generation of Simple Arbitrary Functions146

4-9.Simulation of an Accelerometer148

4-10.The Idealized Diode Circuit and Its Application151

Chapter 5.Function Relays156


5-2.The Relay Comparator156

5-3.The Use of Relays in Computer Circuits157

5-4.A Comparison of Relay and Diode Switching Methods161

Chapter 6.Implicit-function Techniques163


6-2.The Use of High-gain Amplifiers for Implicit Computation163

6-3.The Division Circuit164

6-4.The Square-root Circuit171

6-5.The Inverse-sine Function175

6-6.The Arctangent Circuit177

6-7.Stability of Implicit-function Circuits179

6-8.Analysis of an Indeterminant Case180

Chapter 7.Arbitrary-function Generators187


7-2.Curve-follower Function Generator Using Resistanes Elements188

7-3.Photoformer-type Curve Following Function Generator189

7-4.Tapped-potentiometer Functiou Generators190

7-5.Diode Function Generators193

7-6.Special-purpose Function Generators198

7-7.Generation of Functions of Two Variables202

7-8.Improving the Accuracy of Diode Function Generators208

Chapter 3.General Theory of Operation of Computer Components214


8-2.The D-C Operational Amplifier214

8-3.Computer Controi Circuits223

8-4.Automatic Checking of Problem Setup227

8-5.Automatic Time-scale Checking228

8-6.Automatic-setup Procedures229


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