Molecular Forces&P.DEBYE1

Topological Methods in the Cluster Theory of Ionic Solutions&E.MEERON7

The Electrical Properties of Ioe&L.ONSAGER AND M.DUPUIS27

The Accurate Numerical Solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation&E.A.GUGGENHEIM47

Solvation of Electrolytes in Dioxane-Water Mixtures&E.GRUNWALD62

The Interaction of Two Ions at Small Separations in an Aqueous Medium&S.LEVINE AND G.M.BELL77

The Transport of an Electrolyte during the Diffusion of a Non-Electrolyte&F.J.KELLY AND R.H.STOKES96

Contributo allo Studio delle Giunzioni Interliquido negli Elettroliti&R.PIONTELLI101

Zur Theorie der Leitfahigkeit Starker Elektrolyte&H.FALKENHAGEN und G.KELBG109

Ionic Association and the Fuoss-Onsager Conductance Equation&R.L.KAY119

Solvent-Solute Interaction in Dilute Electrolytic Solutions&H.SADEK,E.HIRSCH AND R.M.FUOSS132

The Behaviour of Carboxylic Acids in Mixed Solvents&T.SHEDLOVSKY146

Acid Ionization Constants of Alcohols in the Solvents Water and Deuterium Oxide&F.A.LONG AND P.BALLINGER152

A Test of the Hammett Relation&R.A.ROBINSON165

Electronic Structure of Strong and Weak Electrolytes&K.FAIANS170

Dissociation Constants of Carboxylic Acids in Formamide&M.MANDEL AND P.DECROLY176

Debye's Salt Effect Theory applied to Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes and Urea,1/Electrolytes with Common Anion and Cations of Various Valencies&M.SARNOWSKI AND B.BARANOWSKI187

Sulla Carica Superficiale di Alcune Soluzioni Elettrolitiche&S.BORDI e F.VANNEL196

On the Configurational Stability of DNA in Diluted Solution&A.M.LIQUORI,F.ASCOLI,C.BOTRE,V.CRESCENZI AND A.MELE201

Investigation of Transport Numbers by Measurement of the e.m.f.of Galvanic Cells with Second Class Electrodes&S.LENGYEL208

Counterion Binding by Macro-ions&U.P.STRAUSS215

Untersuchungen zur Statistisch-Mechanischen Theorie Starker Elektrolyte&G.KELBG226

Ricerche Sull'Effetto Cinetico Primario di Sale&V.CARASSITI e C.DEJAK230

Influenza del Raggio dei Controioni sull'Associazione in Soluzione di Polimetacrilato&V.CRESCENZI,A.DE CHIRICO AND A.RIPAMONTI248

Hydrogen Halides in Polar Organic Solvents&G.J.JANZ AND S.S.DANYLUK255

Ricerche Sulla Teoria delle Soluzioni Concentrate di Elettroliti Forti ⅩⅩⅣ&C.DEJAK266

Ricerche Sulla Teoria delle Soluzioni Concentrate di Elettroliti Forti ⅩⅩⅤ&C.DEJAK281

Electrolytical Conductance of Some Picrates in Alcohol Mixtures&F.ACCASCINA AND S.PETRUCCI292

Ultrasonic Behaviour of Liquid Systems&F.ACCASCINA AND S.SCHIAVO301

Structure and Kinetic Properties of Polyelectrolytes in Solution,determined from Relaxation Phenomena in Electric Fields&M.EIGEN AND G.SCHWARZ309

Uber Integrale Verdünnungswarmen Starker Elektrolyte im Gebiet des Debye-Hückelschen Grenzgesetzes&E.LANGE336

Sur l'Apport des Effets Electrostatiques à une Théorie.de la Cinétique des Réactions&J.E.DUBOIS et J.BARTHEL343

Author Index353

Subject Index359

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