《Table 1 Diseases associated to porto sinusoidal vascular liver disease》

《Table 1 Diseases associated to porto sinusoidal vascular liver disease》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Is porto sinusoidal vascular disease to be actively searched in patients with portal vein thrombosis》

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The strong relationship between PSVD,hypercoagulability and incidence of PVT led to the hypothesis that a subset of patients with acute or chronic PVT could be affected by a pre-existing,undiagnosed PSVD.Actually,despite an active search[8]of local or systemic predisposing conditions(Table 2),the cause of PVT is not recognizable in up to 25%of the patients.Moreover,in patients in whom a PVT is diagnosed,the evidence of a prothrombotic state usually leads to the diagnosis of a PVT secondary to that condition without taking into consideration the possibility of a pre-existing and undiagnosed PSVD.The possibility of missing a diagnosis of PSVD in a patient with PVT,especially if acute,may have relevant clinical consequences.