《Table 1.Strategy taxonomies and definitions》

《Table 1.Strategy taxonomies and definitions》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Reading strategies are deliberate,goal-directed attempts to control and modify the reader’s efforts to decode text,understand words,and construct the meaning of the text(Afflerbach,Pearson,&Paris,2008,p.15).Previous studies(Block,1986;He,2008;Lee-Thompson,2008;Mokhtari&Sheorey,2002;O’Malley&Chamot,1990;Oxford,1990;Wenden,1991)identified reading strategies or learning strategies used by language learners.These studies also generated taxonomies of strategies from different perspectives.Table 1 shows several types of taxonomies as well as the definitions and examples for each category.