《Table 3 Weathering indices and density of the collected samples》

《Table 3 Weathering indices and density of the collected samples》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《"Origin of the Mushroom Stone Forest at the southeastern foot of the Little Sangpu Mountain in eastern Guangdong,China: A palaeo-sea-level indicator or not"》

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Notes:R=Ruxton Ratio;CIA=Chemical Index of Alteration;WIP=Weathering Index of Parker;LOI=Loss on ignition.

The weathering debris(MLH-T2)has the lowest density with an average value of 2.32,followed by the density of the the cutting surface(MLH-T3),whose average value is 2.36.The concavity apex of the boulder(MLH-T1)has the third lowest density with an average value of 2.43.The average density values of the rock samples taken from the top(MLH-D3)and the concavity roof(MLH-S2)of the boulder are 2.45 and 2.46,respectively.The density of the fresh rock sample(MLH-X2)has the highest value with an average of2.64.The density’values are listed in Table 3.