《Table 1 Primary indices of the two kinds of waste water samples》

《Table 1 Primary indices of the two kinds of waste water samples》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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The determination of chemical composition of sewage water can provide necessary data for the performance evaluation of extraction process.The residual ammonia water samples were taken from the entrances of the five regulating tanks in 30 test tubes,divided in to 5 groups with 6 test tubes in each,and sample collection was done at an interval of 1 h.The distilled ammonia waste water samples were also collected by the same method from the plate-type condenser and atomizing cooler condensate.Next the whole set of 60 test tubes were allowed to settle undisturbed for 30 minutes.It was followed by determination of the primary indices of both sewages.There were four prime indices,volatile phenol content(VHC),COD,sewage oil content(SOC)and pH,the values of these indices are shown in Table 1.