《Table 5 Mix proportion》

《Table 5 Mix proportion》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Properties of Alkali-activated Yellow River Sediment-slag Composite Material》

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Based on the above test results,the strength of specimen made of Mengzhou sediment is higher than that of Huayuankou sediment,and slag is chosen to improve the properties of specimen.According to previous studies[7,16],the alkali-activator has a great effect on the activity of slag.Thus,the dosage of slag is fixed at 10 wt%,and the effect of Ca(OH)2 dosage on the property of specimen is researched.The mix proportion is shown in Table 5.It should be noted that No.1-No.5 adopt the Mengzhou sediment,while No.6adopts the Huayuankou sediment.The compressive strength of specimen is shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6.