《Table 6 H-bonding and C-H…πinteractions parameters for 4》

《Table 6 H-bonding and C-H…πinteractions parameters for 4》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式

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Symmetry codes:i2-x,-1/2+y,3/2-z;ii2-x,1-y,1-z;iii-1+x,y,z;ivx,1/2-y,-1/2+z;vx,y,1+z;vi1-x,1-y,2-z;Cg2:N5,N6,C16,N7,C15;Cg4:N8,C17,C18,C19,C20,C21;Cg6:C22,C23,C24,C25,C26,C27.

The picked single crystals were placed on a Bruker Smart APEXⅡCCD X-ray single crystal diffractometer(λ=0.071 073 nm),and the data were collected at 296(2)K.The crystal structures were solved by direct methods and refined on F2by fullmatrix least squares procedures using SHELXTL software[29].All non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically,and all hydrogen atoms on carbon atoms were allowed to ride on the parent atoms geometrically.The hydrogen atoms of water molecules were found from the Fourier map,but not refined anisotropically.Crystallographic data of complexes 1~4 are shown in Table 1,selected bond lengths and bond angles for 1~4 are shown in Table 2,and H-bonding and C-H…πinteractions for 1~4 are shown in Table 3~6,respectively.