《Table 3 Uncertainty for orientation of channel geometry in Example A》

《Table 3 Uncertainty for orientation of channel geometry in Example A》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Iterative static modeling of channelized reservoirs using history-matched facies probability data and rejection of training image》

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In this research,the proposed method is applied to two synthetic cases.Examples A and B have the same geological parameters except for channel geometry for TIs(Table 2).The channelized reservoirs have a 25 9 25 9 1grid system with an inverted nine-spot waterflooding.These settings for the synthetic cases have been similarly used in previous studies(Jafarpour and McLaughlin 2009;Scheidt and Caers 2009a;Wang and Li 2011;Lee et al.2013a).